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Wondering how to stay connected as a family during the holidays? Sometimes the seasons of the year that are most meant for families can wind up causing the biggest stress points.

There are a wide range of reasons why this can happen. For instance, you may be facing a schedule that’s too busy, financial pressures and mingling with extended family who are sometimes less than personable or kind.

The American Psychological Association highlights research on holiday stress conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner.

This extensive study shared the following about family stress associated with the holidays:

During the holidays, stress takes on a different character than at other times of the year. Men and women alike feel a duty to make the holidays the best they can for their families.”

Regardless of the circumstances your family faces this holiday, it’s crucial that you stay connected. Yes, expect some obstacles. But be encouraged that there’s a way to navigate those challenges without sacrificing your family’s health in the process.

Here are a few things to consider as you stay connected as a family this holiday season.

Focus on Building Memories with your Family

As the holiday season draws near and school schedules pause, think of some memories you can make as a family.

This doesn’t have to break the bank for two reasons. First, making these memories doesn’t necessarily have to cost money. Secondly, if you want to build memories by spending money why not use those family memories as part of your Christmas gift to each other?

By doing this, you’ll focus more on family relationships than materialistic pursuits. Materialism depletes a family’s health when it becomes the main focus. However, building memories as a family focuses on your most valuable, priceless resource — each other.

Build Your Own Family Traditions Instead of Trying to Live Someone Else’s

If you want to practice how to stay connected as a family during the holidays, focus on building your own traditions. Caving to the expectations of your extended family can upset the balance of your own family during the holidays.

That’s why it’s so important to build your own family traditions. No, this doesn’t mean that you shut out your in-laws or parents. What it does mean is that you set boundaries for the health of your family.

Maybe you choose not to travel over the holidays. Instead, you can spend the extra time you would’ve traveled nurturing family togetherness. This also may mean that you don’t rush off to other family events as much. You can invite family to your home instead so you’re not always on the road with the kids to another family get-together.

Your immediate family should always come first. Be sure to plan ahead of time to make sure this happens. Even extended family members with good intentions can sabotage your plans if you’re not careful.

Free Up Your Schedule as Much as Possible

Obviously, you’ll have more than ample opportunities to be busy this holiday season. But that doesn’t mean you should just go with the flow. Look for ways to free up your schedule, making the holiday season as restful as possible.

No matter how well-meaning you may be, if you don’t have the time you need, it will be impossible to stay connected over the holidays. Just like you shouldn’t let extended family pressure you into altering your schedule, do the same in all other areas of life.

Remember that your family is more important than being busy. Your family is your legacy and your family needs you way more than anyone else does.

How to Stay Connected as a Family During the Holidays through Counseling

It may be that you would benefit from family counseling. The complexities of family life don’t go away during the holidays. Many times, just the opposite happens. The stress can build, making things even tougher on your family.

If your family is going through a rough patch, Therapy With Compassion is here for you. We provide communication therapy for couples and families. You can schedule an appointment with us today at our Valencia, CA therapy location and start seeing the relief your family needs.