Improve Your Self Esteem

What’s wrong with me? Most of us have an inner dialogue running through our minds. It’s like in the movies where you see the red devil on one side and the little white angel on the other side whispering into your ear. Sometimes the voice is encouraging and...


Spring is Here! Most of us learned from our moms to do some Spring Cleaning each year in March or April. What does Spring Cleaning mean? Out with the old, de-clutter, get rid of junk, and make room for new, clean, and healthier things. So, let’s look at how you...

Top 7 Ways to Build Self Confidence in Kids

RESPONSIVENESS: Show your child that he/she is important by taking the time to listen to his questions, complaints, or comments. IMPROVE YOUR CHILD’S SELF ESTEEM: A child’s self-esteem is acquired, not inherited. Certain parenting traits and certain character...

What’s the problem with YELLING?

WHY DO YOU YELL ALL THE TIME? One of the reason we yell is that we become frustrated because we feel we are not being heard. If we are trying to make an important point or give our opinion and we feel intentionally ignored or invalidated, we start to think “He...

New Year’s Resolutions

3 Ways to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions Set a specific goal: When we are too vague (“I want to lose weight.”), it’s difficult to measure. We are more likely to stick to working towards a goal when we believe its obtainable. “I want to...

Holiday Blues

Holiday Blues When you think of the holidays, do they bring you warm and fuzzy feelings? Or, do the holidays bring up stress and anxiety for you? We see in the movies that the holidays are about families being together and enjoying each other’s company. For some...