Child and Teen Therapy

Child and Teen Therapy

If your child is struggling with any of the following challenges, I can help.

  • Feelings of Sadness or Anxiety
  • Difficulty with friendships
  • Disregarding household rules
  • Experiencing bouts of anger or depression
  • Exhibiting backtalk and disrespect
  • Succumbing to peer pressure and engaging in risky behaviors (such as substance abuse, reckless sexual activities, or running away)

Child and Teen Therapy Offers Support…

Is your child experiencing overwhelming feelings of anxiety, depression, or peer pressure, leading to heightened stress levels? Are you noticing changes in your teenager’s social circle, late nights out, rule-breaking, or withdrawal from family communication? Are you feeling increasingly concerned and frustrated because conventional approaches aren’t yielding results? In therapy, I provide tailored assistance to guide your child or teenager back to a positive trajectory.

Specialized Counseling for Children and Adolescents

Every child desires a strong bond with their parents, yet sometimes they struggle to achieve it. I focus on equipping children and parents with tools to strengthen their relationship, enhance communication, and foster deeper connections. Child therapy incorporates techniques like play therapy and art therapy, while teen therapy may involve talk therapy, play therapy, art therapy, or cognitive behavior therapy, depending on the individual’s needs. My approach emphasizes solutions, empowering children to navigate emotional growth and behavioral improvements.

Family Dynamics and Support

Children often face challenges stemming from family issues such as divorce or loss, which can impact both child and parent alike. I extend support to parents and families, facilitating improved communication and understanding. My ultimate goal is to cultivate happiness, peace of mind, and improve relationships within your family unit.

Experience and Commitment

With over two decades of experience working with children, teenagers, and families, I comprehend the urgency of alleviating your child’s struggles. While I do offer individual sessions with children and parents, family counseling often proves beneficial. I encourage you to reach out to start the healing process and explore how therapy can positively impact your child and family.

Your Path to Positive Change Starts Here.